Campaign Finance Complaint Form

This web form is how you may file your Campaign Finance Complaint. Please fill in your required contact information as well as required details on the subject of the complaint.

Use the “Description of Complaint” box to  describe the violation you believe to have occurred. Include dates, places, specific details of the campaign communication you believe to be in violation of the City’s Campaign Finance ordinance. Use “Other Information” to include any other information or comments you feel may be relevant to the issue.

Please upload copies of relevant campaign materials and evidence of the violation: documents, pictures of documents or signs, video or audio files. If you have multiple documents to upload, please combine them into a single document or create a zip file with all the documents together. You may also upload a written complaint document in lieu of fully describing the complaint in this web form; in this case, please indicate in the "Description of Complaint" box that you have uploaded your complaint. 

The upload portion of the form is at the bottom of the web page.

Complaints cannot be accepted completely anonymously. However, if you want your information to be confidential, please indicate this preference in the "Other Information" section of your complaint. The Finance Director will keep information confidential to the greatest extent of the law. However, some provisions of Oregon public records may require disclosure of complainant information in some cases.


Click "Choose File" to locate a file on your computer. After selecting the file, click "Upload." To upload multiple files, please combine them into a .zip file first. Then upload the .zip file here.
Files must be less than 128 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp eps tif pict psd txt rtf html pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx odp xls xlsx ods xml avi mov mp3 ogg wav bz2 dmg gz jar rar sit tar zip.